“And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.”
Revelation 9:6
Hello everyone! I'm pleased, that you are reading these lines. I'm sorry for the excessively pompous epigraph, but I want to talk to you about the topic, which can't let me go.
Very often I hear people saying: `We shouldn't care about good code and system architecture, because we don't know whether the product will be a popular or not...`
Or something like this: `We will care about code and architecture in the next iteration, because the Sacred Agile allows us this trick...`
Yes. I want to talk to you about the “Technical debt”. And moreover, it would be great to hear your opinion about my thoughts and assumptions.
Let's assume that somebody created a product. He or she has done it with both or one of two assumptions: `agile let me not to think about architecture and code` (I still don't understated where people finds out something like that in agile), and `i think about it when the product shoots up` (But they don't usually fulfill the promise, because there is always something, that is more important).