Tuesday, December 10, 2013

About migration of LXC containers from Ubuntu to Debian...

Hello everyone who reads me! Thank you for that!
I moved my virtual machines from my tablet pc with ubuntu to my brand new server with debian. I probably should mention that I use LXC for virtualization.
It isn't a real server of course. It is just an old pc which is sitting and whirring in the hallway of my flat near the router.
When I was moving my containers, I easily found out that you should tar and untar a container with --numeric-owner flag, because you just simply can’t move a system. But I’ve stuck into DHCP configuration.
Debian wiki have a suggests about bridge configuration for LXC.
But it is all about static ip configuration. And this guide doesn’t work with isc-dhcp-server on Debian testing (now it is Jessie on the 10th December 2013).

Friday, December 6, 2013

Simplified test-set for Magento (MTAF based)

Hello Reader!

Some days ago I finished my work with Simplified test-set for Magento which is based on MTAF. Because I don't have a lot of free time, it turned out, that it is a quite long project. I had spent about a month before I got a passable result. But I’m not quite sure, that, if I had had more time, I would have made it quickly. Because the most time I was trying to be sure that I have about 5 hundreds tests working together.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Short detective story (Magento TAF)


Hello. I’m pleased, that you, Developer, read this article.
Can you tell me: have you ever thought that many people imagine that a developer, who searches for a bug, looks like a detective that moment?
Ok. You can disagree with me. But when I look for a bug I feel like a real detective from these books or TV series.
So... Sometimes, when long autumn evening comes and rain keeps everybody home,
I take some bug, that isn’t worth fixing during work time, and begin my investigation...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Headless Selenium Server and PHPUnit on Ubuntu - Easy!

About this article

There is nothing new in this article, but I’ve made information from the Internent about this problem more concise. Generally, I’ve collected all required tips into a short solution.
With this guide you will install Xvfb to hide browsers and lunch the selenium server within its hidden virtual display.
I’m providing you a script that allows you to manage Xvfb and Selenium together. The script already can configure Xvfb the way allows you to make screenshots.
And you’ll be able to learn here the small and clear example of the PHPUnit test using the selenium server.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to configure LXC with dnsmasq on Ubuntu 13.10

What LXC is

LXC is a mean of lightweight virtualization (operation system virtualization). You get an additional OS with the same kernel the host OS uses. It allows to avoid a lot of overheads related to software and hardware virtualization (e.g. VirtualBox).
LXC uses the control groups mean to bound and manage a guest OS (Thanks Google).
LXC also uses the apparmor to isolate a guest OS.
I’m not a guru of virtualization and system administration, more over, this article isn't about virtualization theory, so let's go further.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Configure FPM on Apache2 for only one virtual host (Debian Jessie)

A friend of mine told me once that the most fearful parachute jump is the second one )


I have apache2 and php5 and I want to configure them differently for different virtual hosts to have a testing environment on hand.
The annoying problem I've recently faced was configuration of FPM for some virtual hosts among others.
If you want to enable it for the whole server, there is no any problem. But if you want to have php configured as apache module for each one except few, there is a couple of things that are simple but not obvious.