Friday, December 6, 2013

Simplified test-set for Magento (MTAF based)

Hello Reader!

Some days ago I finished my work with Simplified test-set for Magento which is based on MTAF. Because I don't have a lot of free time, it turned out, that it is a quite long project. I had spent about a month before I got a passable result. But I’m not quite sure, that, if I had had more time, I would have made it quickly. Because the most time I was trying to be sure that I have about 5 hundreds tests working together.

I've compiled this test-set because of one thing. I think, that it is a good idea: to have the most important components and processes checked in so huge system, when somebody interferes with one of them somewhere deep inside this system. But the configuring and running the whole bunch of MTAF tests is very time consuming and fruitless operation when you deal with modules or customization. Thus, I don’t know about you, but I need a bit of simplification.

I've added some code that suppresses excessive test of products and payment systems. I don’t want to say, that these tests are useless - they are very useful if you develop Magento itself. But I have another goal, and, I think, you, my reader, have another one also. Moreover, I’ve fixed a couple of bugs, that appears on Magento 1.8 with MTAF for the 1.7 version.

However, the most important piece of my work is the phpunit.xml file with pre-configured testsuites. Which, I sure, are working well with Magento 1.8 now. Also it allows me to have the most important parts of Magento checked after I make changes.

I’ve shared my work here: GitHub : MTAF Simplified test-set .
I’m open for questions, advices and comments!

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